Great Strategies to Move Up Higher
This is a teaching from Brother Kenneth E Hagin from the late 1980's. I was blessed to be in those services and this teaching has helped many people find their course in life and ministry or correct course if they've gotten off track,
The song "I Will Move Up Higher" was performed by the Rhema Singers and Band and has reinforcement of the teaching.
Kathryn T
Listen to the Teaching Series
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Substituting Brass for Gold
People often replace the power and purity of the ministry of the Holy Spirit and the Word, with replacements that seem ‘close enough’. They are not as costly, more convenient or create the illusion that your service is still anointed.
Brother Hagin had a vision of Jesus, in which His not being pleased with some things was revealed. This is an introduction to what the Lord showed him and how to be sure your personal life and ministry go, stay or regain the specific direction of the Holy Spirit in the boundaries of the Bible’s precepts and examples.
God's Plan. for the Church Today
What is ministering to the Lord and how is being filled with the Holy Spirit evidenced aside from ‘praying in tongues’?
How can every believer enjoy psalms, hymns and spiritual songs? What is their special value?
What can you do to experience a bright path of faith, joy and rejoicing as you trust God?
Some time is spent on who should be speaking into your church or your personal life, as back then, there were people asserting authority in order to profit or control others.
The Purpose of Ministry Gifts
Brother Hagin gives Scriptures and real life examples of how the ministry gifts of the Holy Spirit operate, not just through ‘ministers’, but every believer.
Praying in tongues, interpreting prayers and developing sensitivity to the guidance of the Holy Spirit are discussed as the natural way to develop this flow.
The Ministry Gifts and Anointings
This service goes into reinforcement of the importance to be sure your church and ministry is built on God’s principles and purposes, not traditions and distractions that may be good, but they are not the best.
There is also a section on the various types of meetings that believers and churches should have. They should not be lumped together or become routine.
What should you do if people in the church get into error, with special revelations or false prophecies? As a pastor, you are responsible to correct this without shutting down the genuine move of the Holy Spirit.
Recognizing special anointings on people and helping them develop their flow with them is also discussed.
Plans, Purposes and Pursuits
The theme of this service is worshipping God in Spirit and in truth. We are supposed to embrace and reverence Supernatural activities and they are an essential part of Christian ministry.
How do you not let things get diluted or turned into a tradition or give them up altogether when people mess it up?
What indicates that something happening is ‘in the Spirit’ and true? When can you discern it is false, malicious or just in form, but not real?
Should you be careful about laying on of hands for impartations? Is this something that isn’t very important and just a formality?
Why is a strong, Supernatural flow important for the Last Days?
Reverencing the Presence of God
This is a shorter, more practical service on reverencing the move of the Holy Spirit and not ‘grieving Him’. There are some things Jesus pointed out to Brother Hagin that He doesn’t like - in particular clapping during the delivery of teaching, preaching or prophetic utterances.
There are specific things you can do to enhance the likelihood of having a strong moving of the Holy Spirit in group services. Other things will shut it down or never have Him discernibly active at all.