6 Clara Grace | 1967 Holy Spirit Seminar | Five Key Ways of the Holy Spirit

Audio Only - Video Will Be Composed Later

Transcript and Bible Verses 

We'll be adding a full transcript and easy to view and share images of the Bible verses in this lesson. Our goal is to make this easy to study as an individual, but also to make it easy to share with a friend or family member or in a group! 

Would you like to help? We need Christians who want to do something to help the body of Christ all over the world.  Our goal is to not only share these Lessons "as is" with the minister's dialect and flavor, but to also create an easily translated version in English and then 20 core languages. 

You don't have to be a Bible expert or experienced minister to help! But if you are called to the ministry and don't have a place of fulfilling service, we have advanced positions available too. 


Audio 6 of 6 – Holy Spirit Seminar – Prophetess Clara Grace and Kenneth E Hagin

April 30, 1967 pm Clara Grace, Kenneth E Hagin – Five Key Ways of the Holy Spirit

Revisiting A Seminar That Shaped A Generation of Ministry

In April of 1967, Kenneth E Hagin had a Holy Spirit Seminar in Tulsa, OK that was attended by a few dozen people who went on to shape the Faith Movement in the decades ahead. Billye Brim often speaks of these meetings and the impact they had on her life and ministry.

Clara Grace, a seasoned Prophetess, was 75 at the time and delivered powerful messages from the Word and the Holy Spirit. Impartations and prayer were also a very important part of these meetings.

This meeting was a spiritual launch for Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Philip and Fern Halverson, Buddy and Pat Harrison, Vicki Jamison Peterson, Jeanne Wilkerson and many more in their early years of ministry. It has been 50 years and I perceive that these recordings will inspire and ignite this generation’s captains of ministry for this end-time harvest.

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