What Is The Mission of Faith Trainers?
FaithTrainers.com/.org Is A Master Site Developing
And Producing Teaching And Worship Resources
The focus of our ministry is to help individual Christians and local churches grow as fast and as strong as possible and to glorify God.
Faith Trainers is the home site for Teaching Series and Podcasts from Kathryn Booth Trainor and Tim Trainor
- WYSIWYG Bible Reading
- “Bite Me” - Developing Your Spiritual Strength and Personal Outreach (Fruit of the Spirit)
- “Gathering of Eagles” - Living as a Christian individual and engaging with others in the local church
- “God’s Love Jewel” - How the various stages of every human connection teach us facets of God’s love and His ways
- Additional series TBA

I've been helping businesses and ministries behind the scenes for several decades and have the skills and experience to implement this vision.
Several aspects of this have only very recently become possible technically.
It's a truly exciting time!
Kathryn Booth Trainor
But that is just the beginning... we are developing something much larger!
The "Faith Training" Section Is Designed To Be A Search Engine Boosting Sidecar Website for Local Churches
Most new local churches do not have the time or staff to produce in-depth teaching and ministry training. They can add-on a Faith Training side-car section to their website and make it available to their leaders and church members. This side-car site can be branded and linked back to their church events and services and training pages encourage participation in a local church.
The Faith Training Add-on site can be scaled to serve hundreds of thousands of churches and will be translated into as many languages as we can coordinate. Each site links back to that local outreach and church.
We can help hundreds of Churches in EVERY NATION
Faith Training Sidecar Sites will have:
Faith Foundations Teaching for All Believers
Twenty Core Topics focused on helping believers “Grow Fast, Grow Strong and Glorify God”.
There are millions of sermons and lessons online and many that are not - they are disorganized and unfiltered and it is very confusing for a new believer to find in-depth quality teaching that will lay a strong faith foundation.
It is essential that believers not get isolated into a personal learning mode - they need to be part of a local church. This is why we want it to be branded and added onto the sites of local churches that are just getting started.
Ministry Training Resources
Specific training on how to promote local churches and teaching materials from each ministry online to build search engine visibility, organization and wise use of staff and tech resources.
We are producing each Faith Trainers lesson in formats that can be viewed or listened to as an individual, shared with a friend or small group or used in a larger venue on big screens.
Initial Training Sections
- How to become a Christian
- Water Baptism
- Baptism in the Holy Spirit
- Who you are in Christ?
- How to study the Bible
- How to find a great local church
- How to share your faith
- How to be led by the Holy Spirit
Fruit of the Spirit - Lifestyle of Faith
Gifts of the Spirit - Demonstrated Power of God
Ministry of All Saints
How every believer does the work of the ministry
- Is it God’s Will to Heal?
- How to minister and receive healing
- What does the Bible teach about giving?
- What does the Bible teach about prospering and being financially blessed?
- Diligence and how to harvest financial blessing
Ministry Gifts:
- How do you know you are called to the ministry?
- What are the levels and functions of the ministry gifts?
- How can you maximize the flow of ministry in your church and community?
More to come -
Ministry Opportunities
Teaching Contributors
We want to showcase strong ministries from many countries
Wisdom Scouts
Help us find the very best teaching and training on each core topic
- Sound Doctrine
- Strong Anointing
- In-Depth, Practical and Proven by Scripture
- Minister has excellent character
- Every Nation? We would like to showcase top ministry from as many nations as possible.
Transcriptions and Translations
Each teaching lesson needs to be transcribed “as is” and then transcribed and edited for International duplication. Most ministers use idioms, jargon and make minor mistakes - to translate to 20 core languages and beyond, we need a clean, grammatically correct English transcript.
Redelivering Messages In Different Languages With A Strong Anointing
We want to produce visual and audio versions of each lesson in as many languages as possible. We will use people who are fluent in the local language and who are strong in faith and anointed. There is power in the spoken Word!
Prayer and Intercession
This is a big undertaking and we want everything produced to be covered in prayer and very anointed.
Financial Support
We put a link back to the home ministry for each featured Faith Trainer and a link to their donation page.
We will be giving an opportunity for people to support Faith Trainers as well at some point.
Business Training & Micro-Lending Portal
Down the road, we would like to work with ministries doing this to strengthen local congregations.
Will you help us assist local churches in preparing the Saints
for the work of the ministry?
FaithTrainers.com/.org Is A Master Site Developing and Producing Teaching and Worship Resources For EVERY NATION
Home Site for Teaching Series and Podcasts from Kathryn Booth Trainor and Tim Trainor
Search Engine Boosting Sidecar Website for Local Churches
Faith Foundations Teaching for All Believers
Ministry Opportunities
Business Training & Micro-Lending Portal – down the road, we would like to work with ministries doing this to strengthen local congregations.